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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Do You Really Need Vista ??

Do You Need Vista? Vista is unquestionably the future of Microsoft’s operating system.But even PC users who like Windows have been complaining about Vista’s performance.Vista running under Parallels Desktop for Mac is no speed demon and is occasionally unpredictable. It’s better under Boot Camp but still far from perfect.Windows XP, on the other hand, isn’t half bad, no matter how you run it on your Mac.It’s a more mature version of Windows and therefore less buggy. It’s also less laden with eye candy, so it’s faster than Vista.XP is also much better than Vista when it comes to virtualization. Because virtualization wasn’t a threat when XP was released many years ago, there’s no provision in the EULA that forbids you to run it under Parallels, Fusion, or whatever else you want to use. And even under virtualization,XP Home, XP Professional, and most Windows applications (save 3-D games and other 3-D–intensive applications,which perform poorly) run at nearnative speeds on a modern Intel Mac. People running Boot Camp will fi nd that XP is blazingly fast.


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